Saturday, August 13, 2011

States of Matter Investigation

The specific content area of physical science that I decided to focus on is the states of matter.  Students learn about three of the states (gas, liquid, solid) in elementary school.  The next state, plasma, is usually introduced in higher grades.  Understanding the mechanics and movement of molecules in the different states is essential in many aspects.  For example, understanding the movement of water molecules is key in comprehending the movement of ocean water.  Also,  the state of the water affects the density of many elements and compounds.
Below are various website links that I found that correlate with teaching the states of matter.  I included some that focus mainly on elementary school, as well as those that focus on higher grades.  I also divided them based on their interactive state.
Basic Information - great info on gases, liquids, and solids.  Down side – you must subscribe to the program
Interactive - Interactive simulations, includes other topics, best for high school work - quizzes and video clips for K-12 students – higher grades information including historical backgrounds, quiz
For communication and collaboration - online poster maker
I was particularly drawn to the Interactive Simulations website from the University of Colorado.  This interactive simulation allows students to manipulate the conditions in which they are studying.  Because of this, the website allows for student inquiry.  Students would be able to hypothesize the effects of heat and cold on various elements, including
-          The temperatures at which the element converts from liquid, solid, or gas
-          The temperature at which pressure reaches critical mass
-          The amount of kinetic energy is created at certain temperatures
The simulation provides students the opportunity to interact with elements and compounds at a molecular level that they would not be able to do normally.  Also, students are able to choose the elements and manipulate the conditions in a safe environment.
To incorporate this into a lesson for my class, I would allow students to hypothesize the temperatures at which the elements/compounds (neon, argon, oxygen, water) included in the simulation.  Then students could use the program to gather information and data.  From there, they can analyze the data and make conclusions.
In the list of websites, I included a website for Glogster.  This application allows for students to create online posters.  Also, the students can post the poster on the Internet.  The website allows for collaborative work between the students, as well as allow the teacher to monitor and evaluate the work.  The website offers a free trial for educators for up to fifty students.  The more advanced tools have to be paid for.
Utilizing the simulation allows students to safely investigate the interactions of molecules as they flow between the states of matter.  As 21st century scientifically literate citizens, students must e able to use simulated programs, especially for those concepts that are not readily available for classroom use.  Also, the differences of states of matter are essential for other science topics, such as convection of molten rock and air masses.  States of matter also can be found in the kitchen, which all students can relate to.  Understanding how concepts such as states of matter are integral parts of daily life is essential for the scientifically literate student to participate in the global science community.
The largest hurdle that I encountered in finding websites to use was the fact that several websites are sponsored and paid for through advertisements.  Students should not be exposed to advertisements, especially if they are political or inflammatory.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Inquiry Activity - Heat Transfer

The Heat Is On!!!!

I recently completed an inquiry activity that investigated the transfer of heat through various materials.  For my experiment, I used waxed paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and a dryer sheet.

To time the activity, I used

My hypothesis was that the aluminum foil would be the best insulator, followed by the waxed paper, the plastic wrap, and, finally, the dryer sheet.  As time progressed, I noticed bits of condensation underneath the waxed paper and the plastic wrap.  Also, there was a scent being given off by the dryer sheet.  At the end of the thirty minutes, I measured the temperature of each cup.  To my surprise, the plastic wrap and the waxed paper, at a tie, beat out the aluminum foil.  The dryer sheet, as I suspected, at the worst time.

If I had to repeat the experiment, I would change several variables.
  • Instead of ceramic coffee mugs, I would use plastic cups or Styrofoam cups.
  • Instead of hot water, use cold water to investigate the amount of heat transfer INTO the water.
  • Broaden the variables used to cover the cups (newspaper, fabric, sandpaper, etc.)
Procedural changes are as follows.
  • Use individual thermometers for each cup/container so that there is no lapsed time between readings.
  • Shorten the time between readings, and make more readings (three to five).  This allows for more accurate data so that students can graph the energy transfer.
  • Have students complete the activity in small groups, between two to three students.
  • Use digital cameras to record the activity.  Pictures can be used for PowerPoints and social networking sites, such as blogs.
To incorporate this into STEM, I found an engineering related guided inquiry activity from "Save the Penguins: Teaching the science of heat transfer through engineering design."  This article,written by
Christine Schnittka, Randy Bell, and Larry Richards, explores how students can engineer a habitat for penguin shaped ice cubes.  To do this, students expand upon their knowledge of insulating materials and how heat energy moves through conduction, convection, and radiation.  (This journal article can be found at the Walden University Research Database.) 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guided Inquiry - Swinging Pendulums

As part of the Second Application, we were asked to create a guided inquiry activity based on a question.  The question that I choose was

Which pendulum will come to rest more quickly – a lighter pendulum or heavier pendulum?

So, how did I answer this question.  Here's the process -

1.  Research - I investigated the washers that I was using.  By investigating, I mean I weighed and measured them.  I assigned them with labels - Washer A (2g), Washer B (20g), and Washer C (35g). 

2.  Hypothesize - I created a hypothesis, which states that the heavier washer, Washer C (35g) would take longer to come to rest, as compared to the other two washers, Washer A (2g) and Washer B (20g).

3.  Design and Carry Out the Experiment - To swing the washers and create a pendulum, I found an elevated flat surface.  I taped a pointer (long cylindrical tube) to the top of the flat surface.  I looped a string through Washer A.  Then I hung the washer from the tube.  I pulled the washer ninety degrees (level to the surface).  Then I dropped the washer, which began to swing.  I timed the washer using an online stopwatch.  I repeated the process for the other two washers.

4.  Record and Analyze - I recorded the data on a table.  I used the information to analyze the results.  Only parts of my hypothesis was correct.  From the information, I determined that part of the experiment is flawed.  (The larger the object, the longer it should swing.)

5.  Communicate the Results - I am communicating the results.  :)  Also, I am attaching a copy of my data sheet with the information from my experiment.  I am hoping to attach small videos of the process as soon as possible.

To modify the results, I could change the length of the string, as well as use more sizes of washers.  Also, I could use a pole that is shaped differently (as opposed to a cylinder).

My students could participate in a modified version of this guided inquiry activity based on my state's standards.  They are always interested in experimenting.  My greatest challenge will be to actively engage the students in the process before and after the experiment. 

This activity leads into discussion about momentum.  This also includes the momentum and inertia of moving vehicles.  My students are in the process of studying for their driver's licenses.  The activity creates an opportunity for students to learn about the impact of mass and velocity on momentum, such as the momentum of a moving vehicle.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Structured Inquiry - Instructional Plan

The structured inquiry plan that I created for this assignment focused on rocks and the rock cycle.  Normally, I teach sixth grade.  However, my audience consisted of seven and eight year olds, so I had to research state and national standards for that age group.  I also found a inquiry based lesson on the Utah Education Network, which I modified for my use.

Below are pictures and samples from the Anticipatory Set.  This was a great opportunity for me to assess prior knowledge, and then change my instruction.

Students were given rock samples and spent time investigating the size, shape, color, and texture of the rocks.

From what they observed, they completed a short Q &A.

Then, we moved on to vocabulary used in describing rocks and the processes that shape them.  The students used an interactive whiteboard to brainstorm terms and connect them.

Using that information, students created a Vocabulary Wheel for the main processes of the Rock Cycle.

The final activity for the lesson was to create a Rock Book.  The students observed, measured, and recorded data on various rocks.  Then, they wrote a short reflection.  This was assessed with a rubric.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Melting Icebergs Experiment

Grounded Icebergs

9.  Extended Questions
a.  What happens if the polar ice caps melt?
If the polar ice caps melt, there are two major issues.

1.  The melted water will combine with the existing ocean water, causing ocean levels to rise.  Low lying areas will begin to see a rise in sea level, and, over time, these areas will be covered.
2.  Because the ice caps are made from fresh water, the increased amounts of fresh water will off balance the natural salinity of the Earth's oceans.  This, in turn, affects the movement of the deep ocean currents, which rely on the increased salinity to move along the ocean floor.  Many believe that this impedes the great global conveyor belt of ocean currents that moves heat and water.

b.  What other questions do you have about this Science Inquiry Experience?
This is a great activity.  It allows for investigation, as well as open the door to other issues, such as emission's regulations and conservation techniques.

One question - Is there information concerning the recent impact of government regulations on CFC's?  Is it too early to tell?

Found a website that discusses global warming.  It also allows you to calculate your carbon footprint - a great activity for our students. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Application Paper Review

Hmmmm....reflecting on the Instructional Plan, I would have to first say that it really offered me the opportunity to really consider how I was teaching my students.  I had to stop, think, reflect, and evaluate each portion of the plan.  I have a tendency to over analyze, so it took me longer than I planned. :P

The process of the 5 E's strongly aligns to the method in which I currently plan my lesson, but in more detail.  My administration has an idea on how a lesson should progress, and it closely matches the 5 E's strategy. 

I actually use the lesson that I used for the Application paper.  The students are instrumental in creating a rubric to assess the factors and levels of erosion in different areas of the middle school campus.  Then, we go outside to view the places, and the students evaluate the areas.  It is amusing to listen to the impassioned arguments on the amount of ground cover by sixth graders. 

The biggest problem with the lesson is time.  I find that many of my special needs students require more time and structure to complete their work.  Also, I have to be cognizant of any weather issues that might arise.  Many students needed the use of a word processor.  However, there is a limited amount of net books available.

After the lesson this year, we had a benchmark assessment.  The students scored well on the soil standard questions.  So, I believe this lesson is a keeper. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hurricane Season Draws Near

Hurricane Season for the Atlantic Ocean begins on June 1, 2011.  The National Hurricane Service (a segment of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a tremendous amount of information, including interactive maps and historical data.  Also, there are maps of the Atlantic (as well as the Pacific region) that can be printed. 

Lesson Ideas
1.  Plot and follow the path of a historical hurricane using the maps mentioned above.  I usually suggest that students round the latitude and longitude as they are plotting the points.  Then, students create a key that denotes hurricane life stage based on color (blue - tropical depression, etc.)
2.  Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit.  Students may draw the items (bandages, flashlights, batteries) or cut and paste pictures from magazines.  I usually have a drawing of a "kit" that the students draw or paste the items in.  I also expect the students to describe the item and explain the use.
3.  Create an Emergency Plan.  Students create a plan for their home in response to emergencies.  This relates not only to hurricane related situations, but also other emergency situations.  Because the students are making it for their own homes, there is a sense of ownership, and they usually take it very seriously.
4.  Hurricane vs. Tornado Venn - It's a quick activity, but necessary.  Allows students to think about the similarities and differences of these natural disasters.

**more ideas to come**

The link below is for a booklet about basic hurricane information.  It includes important information, such as the differences between a watch and a warning.