The specific content area of physical science that I decided to focus on is the states of matter. Students learn about three of the states (gas, liquid, solid) in elementary school. The next state, plasma, is usually introduced in higher grades. Understanding the mechanics and movement of molecules in the different states is essential in many aspects. For example, understanding the movement of water molecules is key in comprehending the movement of ocean water. Also, the state of the water affects the density of many elements and compounds.
Below are various website links that I found that correlate with teaching the states of matter. I included some that focus mainly on elementary school, as well as those that focus on higher grades. I also divided them based on their interactive state.
Basic Information - great for lower grades - great info on gases, liquids, and solids. Down side – you must subscribe to the program
Interactive - great for lower grades, has a short quiz - Interactive simulations, includes other topics, best for high school work - quizzes and video clips for K-12 students – higher grades information including historical backgrounds, quiz
For communication and collaboration - online poster maker
I was particularly drawn to the Interactive Simulations website from the University of Colorado. This interactive simulation allows students to manipulate the conditions in which they are studying. Because of this, the website allows for student inquiry. Students would be able to hypothesize the effects of heat and cold on various elements, including
- The temperatures at which the element converts from liquid, solid, or gas
- The temperature at which pressure reaches critical mass
- The amount of kinetic energy is created at certain temperatures
The simulation provides students the opportunity to interact with elements and compounds at a molecular level that they would not be able to do normally. Also, students are able to choose the elements and manipulate the conditions in a safe environment.
To incorporate this into a lesson for my class, I would allow students to hypothesize the temperatures at which the elements/compounds (neon, argon, oxygen, water) included in the simulation. Then students could use the program to gather information and data. From there, they can analyze the data and make conclusions.
In the list of websites, I included a website for Glogster. This application allows for students to create online posters. Also, the students can post the poster on the Internet. The website allows for collaborative work between the students, as well as allow the teacher to monitor and evaluate the work. The website offers a free trial for educators for up to fifty students. The more advanced tools have to be paid for.
Utilizing the simulation allows students to safely investigate the interactions of molecules as they flow between the states of matter. As 21st century scientifically literate citizens, students must e able to use simulated programs, especially for those concepts that are not readily available for classroom use. Also, the differences of states of matter are essential for other science topics, such as convection of molten rock and air masses. States of matter also can be found in the kitchen, which all students can relate to. Understanding how concepts such as states of matter are integral parts of daily life is essential for the scientifically literate student to participate in the global science community.
The largest hurdle that I encountered in finding websites to use was the fact that several websites are sponsored and paid for through advertisements. Students should not be exposed to advertisements, especially if they are political or inflammatory.